more is more | cardinal-red-cruising

more is more

Schloss Schöngrabern

Leda Bourgogne, Béla Feldberg, Philipp Friedrich, Jennifer Gelardo, Samuel Linus Gromann, Hannah Hansel,
Deanna Havas, Adrian Manuel Huber, Irina Lotarevich, Haydée Marin-Lopez, Mickael Marman, Bruno Mokross,
Daniel Murnaghan, Sami Nagasaki, Laurids Oder, Richard Nikl, Lennart Schweder, Marina Sula, Eugen Wist, Malte Zander

picture these gentle folks:
gradually going everywhere. “and now the ride’s been a long one: hence it must be
autumn. at least in a place where mothers know about us.“
where everybody’s close: them, descending france and burgundy and hessia,
the valleys of carinthia, the bohemian castles. who can relate most to these narratives?
parts and more parts of forgotten existences rusting at the shore, amidst lobsters
and clams, gently covered in crystalline layers by the salty waves.
“like bourgeoise chairs“, she thinks to herself. he peeks over the other shoulder.
the background stays a calmingly unadventurous green.
focus dinner table. look at them; slowly withering in their velvety skin. forfeited
flowers blossom in the forest outside (stems like boning knives). clouds constrict.
these gentle folks turning the empty (carved out like it’d have been the last meal for a long time)
porcelain upside down—
he sits closest to her.
wine stain on his rose polo,
chin stubble, shaved neck,
crumpling his empty pack of parisiennes, tossing it on the speckled floor—
i’m watching them introduce various incoherencies to each other. elevated, talking
down to him, she couldn’t take him seriously. the mood shifted not too long ago. he
scratches his stubbles with his left, holds a last unlit cigarette with his right hand.
he’s not too interested anymore.
„like bourgeoise chairs“, she smirks. but he won’t understand.
focus again, taking time slowly,
und ich würd berge kaufen wenn jemand einsteigen will but i just got my money, k?

Text by Bruno Mokross

Philipp Friedrich, „untitled“, 2016
Philipp Friedrich, „untitled“, 2016
Lennart Schweder, „(Untitled)“, inkjet on transparent foil, epoxy resin, aluminium, 70 x 50 cm, 2016
Laurids Oder, „Ohne Titel“, steel, wired – glass, 57 x 40 x 44,5 cm, 2016
Philipp Friedrich, „untitled“, 2016
Adrian Manuel, „Ohne Titel“, mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 23 cm 2015/16
Irina Lotarevich, „FFM 1“, walnut, 30 x 13,5 x 13,5 cm, 2016 & „FFM 2“, walnut, 27,5 x 13,5 x 13,5 cm, 2016
Malte Zander, „Untitled“, bread, E153, dimensions variable, 2016
Jennifer Gerlardo, „Peeling“, seedlings of the devil’s backbone, rice paper, 14,8 x 21 cm , 2016
Jennifer Gerlardo, „Peeling“, photo magazine, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2016
Bruno Mokross, „untitled“, steel, 100 x 1 cm, 2016
Daniel Murnaghan, „dog with cucumber“, financial times newspaper, acrylic, 29,7 x 42 cm, 2016
Deanna Havas, „Nations Unes“, digital print on PVC, 51 x 39 cm, 1/1, 2015
Richard Nikl, „Der Esstisch“, chipboard, plywood, resin, PVC 135 x 59 x 4 cm, 2016
Mickael Marman, „w.painting/problematictitle“, mixed media on jute, 110 x 92 cm, 2016
Hannah Hansel, „Ohne Titel“, mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 23 cm 2015/16
Haydée Marin-Lopez, „Baby D“, watercolor on foam board, 50 x 70 cm, 2016
Haydée Marin-Lopez, „Flowers“, watercolor on foam board, 50 x 70 cm, 2016
Marin Sula, „Solutions“, embroidery on towel, 90 x 70 cm, 2016
Sami Nagasaki, „Untitled (Chavala Sequence)“, glass, silicone, finish, 100 x 70 cm, 2016
Leda Bourgogne „Velvet One“, bleach, acrylic, thread on velvet, 80 x 100 cm, 2016
Adrian Manuel Huber, „untitled drawings“, pencil and pen on paper, 29.7x21cm, 2016
Samuel Linus Gromann, (wall) „Untitled“, unfired clay, stainless steel, silver, dimensions variable, 2016 & Bela Feldberg, “Breslauer Feuer 2.0”, 8 woven scarves each 17×145 cm total 200×170 m, 2016
Samuel Linus Gromann, (wall) „Untitled“, unfired clay, stainless steel, silver, dimensions variable, 2016
Bela Feldberg, “Breslauer Feuer 2.0”, 8 woven scarves each 17×145 cm total 200×170 m, 2016

All images Philipp Friedrich